The Holy Week is a special week devoted to the Paschal Mystery of Christ Passion, Death and Resurrection.
Starting from Maundy Thursday until in the evening of Saturday, the Anthonian Institute celebrated the Paschal Triduum. The Paschal Triduum was made in 2 celebrations among the Polish Community and Filipino Community. The Polish Community was animated by Fr. herbie Canete, RCJ, the superior of the house at 17:00 PM while for the Filipino Community, it was animated by fr. Tirso Alcover, Jr., RCJ. The celebrations was attended by the Faithful with respect and devotion taking to heart the beauty of this Paschal Triduum. It started with the washing of the Feet of the faithful on Maundy Thursday. Then followed by the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday and Easter Vigil on Black Saturday. It was a celebration that animated the hearts of the Faithful to focus their attention to the experience of Jesus' Passion, Death and Resurrection. It calls every faithful to the renewal of their promises from baptism and made new through Christ's resurrection.