Last June 19, 2022, the Anthonian Institute in Stroma, Warsaw, officially launched the “Anthonian Institute Benefactor’s Office” or AIBO. This was fitting since it was only days after

June 13th, which is the day of the solemnity of St Anthony of Padua, who is declared as the “Outstanding Benefactor of the Institute of the Evangelical Rogation”, according to St. Hannibal.

Corpus Christi or Boże Ciało is a national holiday in Poland celebrated last June 16 this year. This liturgical feast is observed by the Catholic Church as a joyful celebration of the abiding presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

On June 12, The Anthonian Institute took part in the celebration of the 124th Proclamation of Philippine Independence that was held at the Philippine Embassy in Warsaw last Sunday, 12th June 2022.

On June 13, the Community celebrated the feast of St. Anthony, the patron saint of the Anthonian Institute. The solemn mass was presided by the Superior who stressed on the nature of each one's missionary calling to evangelize and to be a true disciple like the holy saint who performed so many miracles because of his intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ. 

On June 5, the Solemnity of the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Community welcomed in their midst the newly ordained diocesan priest Fr. Peter Kosztrzewa of the Archdiocese of Warsaw who has been a close friend of the Community.
